Friday, 6 July 2018


It has been quite tough to get time to post here thanks to the moody Jay, the store owner. He was released yesterday after making a deal with the plaintiff (Sylvia) and the matter was rested albeit for a while till he defaults on the now 30,000 shilling a month in child support payments. 
"Rasta, get on with the work. Or else there will be no off days for you!
I knew better than to argue with your boss. To get a job nowadays in this age of mercurial sugar and cat-filled samosas is hard. We are in the age of tano-terror you know.
I can't help but marvel at the wicked power of women over men. The courts are clearly against the menfolk. In his case, the judge was a woman, the complainant was a woman, the child officers were women. Even the court registers were women save for the men who were only the police officers. All this I got thanks to Jay who loudly complained in his cameo performance at lunch hour yesterday.

Lodged complaints over this

"Now we all have to contend with police men visiting our premises every month. To get the monies for that stupid bitch, everyone will have to meet their weekly targets. You have no choice but to meet them. Also, your July salaries will delay a bit thanks to that woman."

Normally, we would have lodged complaints over this but not on that particular day. He was speaking animatedly with his constant movements of the hands. He was also foaming in the mouth too. Have I mentioned that he had banned everybody in that stall from inviting Sylvia or anyone associated with that woman. They should not even be served in his stall. For good.
Too bad for Tom who had earlier on in May, had harboured intentions of courting the girl. Now Tom had to find ways of seeing her in secret without Jay knowing. Or else, his tender to supply the lunch and the evening porridge will get cancelled.

The Moron himself

That is the only plausible reason that I can give to my readers as to why I was absent. As we speak, Jay has just left the stall to meet with someone in town, so this is the perfect time to post this one before the killjoy comes back.
So that means that things will never be the same gain here at Jay Movies and clothing. Thanks to that gold-digging bitch, we all have to work hard and try to help Jay bear the burden of paying the court ordered monies. But I also have to blame the moron himself for refusing to pay 10,000 before the feminist-led court upped the amount to 30.
Just like the Emma affair, here at work, things have changed for the worse.

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Its official, I'm now single. I've had a drama-filled 2018 with my run-ins with Susan, Miriam and Shay plus the good times with...