Tuesday, 10 April 2018


I have just finished my supper and I'm preparing for bed. Why you ask. Am I not going to watch that big game tonight between Liverpool and Manchester City in the Champions League? I wish I could but I can’t. Reason is because I have so many things to think about since Emma visited me. We had our talk despite my attempts to stall the topic for another day.

You see, it is hard to put down a determined woman. Any woman for this matter not just my ex-girlfriend Emma. If you are reading this and you have plans in mind to derail a woman you know, please stop. You will fail. I repeat, you will fail. I tried to do that by showing Emma around the farm so that she can see the good work that my mother has been doing around the farm. She was patient as I fumbled through the explanations.

We ate in silence

When we returned, mother had prepared early lunch and we sat alone in the main house. She had defied all my expectations that she would refuse our humble meal of rice and beans and leave before the rains started. But it seems that fate had other plans. Outside the rains were furiously pounding the earth. We ate in silence and when we were through, she got up and plugged her phone to charge and sat next to me.

The moment I had been dreading and waiting for had come.

About Maxwell.”  She opened the Pandora’s Box. She explained herself in her now eloquent prose and even saw it fit to touch my arm just to make sure I was paying attention all along.

I had no chance at all

In summary, she likes older men who are established and are focused in meeting their goals. Maxwell was the guy she fancied since he was then a fourth year Maseno University IT student and owned a repair shop in Kericho town next to Naivas Mall. Then came Sam, my engineer friend.

I saw I had no chance at all. There was no way that she could stick with me yet I had nothing to offer her. Back then I was still green in matters concerning love and my dear Emma was maturing faster. All the bitterness I had disappeared. I forgave her.

Meanwhile I get a livescore update on the game and Man City have just scored. Could they turn this thing around?

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Its official, I'm now single. I've had a drama-filled 2018 with my run-ins with Susan, Miriam and Shay plus the good times with...