Saturday, 9 June 2018


Susan left yesterday after lunchtime where she, of all the people, ate our hustler meal. She was in need of someone to hear her out. I was the only one at that place who was there with her. Jay saw it fit to leave the shop through the back door. Maybe he didn't want to buy her lunch. Or he couldn't want to be dragged into women's issues.
"Tony..I am lost."
"How? You're here."
"No, silly. I mean I don't know what to do."
"About what?" She took out her phone and opened her whatsapp to show me saved photos of Sam and Emma in some exotic place. Looked like the treetops in Nyeri or something. Emma looked beautiful without her glasses and Sam looked younger. 
"Oh, I get you."
Susan was looking dejected. She could not believe that Sam could raise her hopes up and then like it was nothing, crash them down by reuniting with Emma. She was so sure that their thing was long gone especially after that incident at the cops and the several meetings that they had had. 

She sounded sincere and hurt

"You mean you guys used to meet?"
"Yeah." She gobbled down her ice cream despite the cold weather. 
So she was the one behind the nasty split. She was the one feeding Sam with the rumors about Emma visiting Maxwell yet it wasnt true. But why?
"I always wanted Sam. Ever since we met back in High School.He was two classes ahead of me." She went on to reflect on those memories and touched my knee to emphasise the point.
It's Saturday and I'm busy watching the trailer of the upcoming film, Night School that will feature Kevin Hart. This is all in an attempt to hide the scenes of Susan and I sitting close to each other listening to her bullshit.
"Why can't you just get his baby? You'll have something to hold on to."
"How Tony? Yet he always insists on using protection." Tough luck dear. All I can recall of that incident is us talking about some series, ah that one called the haves and haves not which she bought. I transferred the movie via cable to her laptop.
As I reflect on our meeting, she sounded sincere and hurt about it. I didn't want to tell her that what they had was just a fling. Sam was just keeping it short and sweet.

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Its official, I'm now single. I've had a drama-filled 2018 with my run-ins with Susan, Miriam and Shay plus the good times with...